Gazing At The Stars

Book 3 in the “Women with Wisdom” Series

Gazing at the Stars (publishing in 2023) The stories, adventures, and connections of the Southwind Travelers continue in Gazing at the Stars. Storylines, such as consequences for the terrible James, who left the sixteen years old Christa pregnant due to his sexual assault at a rural Dairy Queen calling her the sinner. Readers who hoped for punishment in the first book in the series will finally have their justifiable wish granted in the third book.

Christa, a young mother with Cerebral Palsy, has come to New York with her daughter, Maria Anne, now using the chosen nickname of Mari, to live with Anna Marie while she completes her Ph.D. program under full scholarship at Syracuse University. The relationships and stories of the women from different generations continue along with further requests from the LaRoches family for research into their past.

The story takes place with unexpected historical connections found in Anna Marie’s backyard (not literally, but close), and through travels to Greece, France, Scotland, Wales, Cyprus, and Cornwall. The travels add to the growing information Anna Marie gathers for the LaRoches, enforcing her belief that women can be all one together—if we recognize our strengths, courage, and shared stories.

The last book in this series will end in a surprise revelation that will acknowledge the importance of the “Women with Wisdom” Series. Readers will once again relate to the women in this series, discovering their own strengths and stories.